 Carroll County’s Community Action Agency for 30 years!

Need help? Call us! (410) 857-2999

Economic Mobility

We believe that the only way to truly end poverty is to help people move toward self-sufficiency by teaching them the skills necessary to increase income, reduce expenses, and manage money wisely. Economic Mobility services are integrated throughout our programs so each participant has the opportunity to learn the skills that will help them build a better life for themselves. 

Services Provided

Financial Education Workshops & Coaching
VITA Free Tax Preparation Services
Opportunity WORKS Re-entry Pre-Employment Training Services
Long-term Case Management Services

For more information about Financial Education & VITA Tax Services, PLEASE CALL US at 410-857-2999 or CLICK HERE to email a worker in this program.

For more information about Opportunity WORKS Re-entry Case Management Services, PLEASE CALL US at 410-848-5599 or CLICK HERE to email a worker in this program.


Financial Education Services are open to all residents of Carroll County. 

VITA Tax Services are open to households that earned less than $55,000 for the year. 

Opportunity WORKS Re-entry Pre-employment Training Services are open to those facing significant barriers to becoming self-sufficient. Significant barriers include criminal backgrounds, mental health disorders, substance abuse history, and homelessness. 

Financial Education & VITA Tax Services

Financial Education Services are integrated throughout HSP, specifically to our homeless shelter residents. Services support increasing income through employment and benefits, developing a budget to keep your hard-earned money, and maintaining a savings plan to grow your money. For a complete list of Financial Education services including our latest workshop schedule, pleave visit our Financial Education Services page. 

For the latest information about our VITA Free Tax Preparation Services, please visit our VITA Free Tax Preparation page.

Opportunity WORKS 

Opportunity WORKS prepares individuals with significant barriers to get and keep a job. Opportunity WORKS provides daily activity and stability for participants while also developing a participant’s work history. Opportunity WORKS helps participants successfully become thriving community members. Participants engage in hands-on vocational skill training set in career pathways: customer service, inventory control, information technology, and teamwork. Each participant works with a Case Manager and a Job Coach to set goals, develop skills, and identify job prospects.

Participants are able to access these services for ongoing support up to one year after exiting the program. 
Skill training is conducted using our three training platforms: Second Chances Free Store, eBay business, and Community Garden.  

More About Our Training Platforms

Second Chances is Carroll County’s only free store. Participants learn skills while operating the store, receiving and processing donations, merchandising, and controlling inventory.
*For information about donating to or shopping at Second Chances, please visit our Second Chances Free Store page.*

HSP’s eBay business is managed by Opportunity WORKS staff and participants. Luxury or non-essential items are reallocated from Second Chances donations for possible sale on eBay. Participants research, write descriptions and take pictures of sale items while staff manages final item posting, the collection of funds, and the shipping process. 100% of the income generated goes directly into funding Opportunity WORKS programming. Purchases through the eBay store are considered program donations and are tax-exempt because of HSP’s non-profit status. To shop our eBay store, please visit www.ebay.com/usr/shoptohelphsp 

For information about how you can get involved with HSP’s Community Garden, please visit our Community Garden page.

 Case Management Services

All participants in Opportunity WORKS are provided intensive case management services. Case management is a collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet the client’s health and human service needs. It is characterized by advocacy, communication, and resource management and promotes quality and cost-effective interventions and outcomes.


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