 Carroll County’s Community Action Agency for 30 years!

Need help? Call us! (410) 857-2999

Financial Education Services

For more information about these services, please call (410) 871-4885

  • Monthly financial education workshops, individual financial coaching services for up to 12 months, and a one-time consultation appointment.
  • Services include banking, budgeting, creating savings, how to be a good tenant, reducing debt, and improving your credit score.

Our Approach

Financial Education Services are integrated throughout HSP, including shelters, the Family Support Center, and Opportunity WORKS. Financial Education embraces the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s “Earn It, Keep It, Grow It” philosophy. Services are designed to help participants increase their income through employment and benefits, develop a budget to keep their hard-earned money, and maintain a savings plan to grow their money over time.

Our Curriculum

Our Financial Education curriculum is based on Jump Start National Standards (K-12 national school standards) and the Your Money, Your Goals (YMYG) Toolkit developed by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPB). Both tools are supported by the Community Action Partnership and CASH Campaign of Maryland.


Financial Education workshops are offered online.  You can sign up by scanning the QR code below:

  • Credit is an Asset
  • Build a Budget: Creating SMART Financial Goals
  • Build a Budget: Managing Your Expenses
  • Earn It, Plan It, Keep It

Financial Consultation

A single one-on-one session with our financial educator to address a particular financial issue or upcoming financial decision.

Financial Coaching

Ongoing one-on-one sessions for those who benefit from intensive financial planning.


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